Boston Police Department

Charlestown, MA

+ Overview

With the on-ramp to the Tobin Bridge crossing over a substantial portion of the site, the project presented numerous design challenges. The City also expressed an interest in planning for future redevelopment when several businesses may be relocated to create a park adjacent to the site. The design responds to both challenges with a prominent corner entrance satisfying current site conditions while orienting itself so that when the future park is complete, the entrance will become the focal point to vehicular traffic traveling Vine Street.

Developing a strong connection to and sense of trust with the community were primary goals of the City in the design of this district police station. To achieve this, transparency is a major theme repeated throughout the design. Along street facades, a playful combination of transparent and translucent glazing strategically screens occupants for security while maintaining an illusion of transparency. Open to the public for meetings and functions, a heavily glazed Community Room prominently marks the street corner and welcomes the public into the station.

As part of the City’s Green Building Initiative, this district police station incorporates sustainable design strategies for energy efficiency and healthy environments. Metal transpired solar collectors harvest solar-pre-heated air for the heating system, in turn reducing energy costs. Additional sustainable strategies include rainwater harvesting for flushing toilets, maximized daylighting, and increased indoor air quality.

© Photos by Blind Dog Photo Associates

+ Project Details

  • Client City of Boston, MA
  • Project Type New Construction
  • Size 19,200 sf